Fear, Money And Enlightenment
Why is there so much negativity and fear around money? Money is purely energy manifested in coins and paper.
We do not trade in gold although gold is more constant than money.
We value our gold and precious resources in dollars, pounds and so on.
And we do so over human life.
The human race is in a period of sorting.
We are sorting out our value and the value we place upon the things around us.
We jealously guard the resources that fall under our jurisdiction on our planet, I just wrote our planet then I am reminded that this planet is not ours and if she wants to she can throw us off her surface just like that.
We judge each other based on what we possess not how aware we are.
When one is aware one can spot when someone is faking.
If we turn our attentions to what is going on within our minds and see what the negative thoughts are doing to our bodies and our lives through its impact on our emotions, we would pull our pants up and consciously make a change in our way of thinking.
Money is not running our world, fear is.
How then do we right this Costa Concordia of lies we have told ourselves before we are all thrown into the sea of nothingness? We do so by looking at our valuation of ourselves and the world around us.
Actually the value we put on ourselves will be in direct alignment of the value we put on the world.
For example, digging up the planet to make an automobile, so we can drive it using fuel that pollutes the air that we breathe show a total lack of care for ourselves.
We keep thinking that it is someone else's problem.
When we are the ones taking drugs made from petroleum-based products with the hope that we are able to heal the disorder that comes from our unhealthy, fearful existence.
Enlightenment is to know the truth.
The Buddhists say it is to know truth so we can take ourselves off the cycle of reincarnation.
Reincarnation is to live through many lives.
What if we can live many lifetimes in one life.
What if the cycle of reincarnation gets broken when we learn how to value ourselves as eternal beings.
Recognizing that we exist before and after this stage of limitation would mean that the valuation we put on things no longer holds sway.
We cannot be cheated.
We cannot be bankrupt.
We are incapable of being without sustenance or shelter.
This is enlightenment.
We, each of us are solely responsible for our own enlightenment.
Recognizing this, we will then be able to value ourselves with the same fervour as we do money.
The transformation of lack of poverty, high self-esteem, and global peace will be organic instead of forced.
We do not trade in gold although gold is more constant than money.
We value our gold and precious resources in dollars, pounds and so on.
And we do so over human life.
The human race is in a period of sorting.
We are sorting out our value and the value we place upon the things around us.
We jealously guard the resources that fall under our jurisdiction on our planet, I just wrote our planet then I am reminded that this planet is not ours and if she wants to she can throw us off her surface just like that.
We judge each other based on what we possess not how aware we are.
When one is aware one can spot when someone is faking.
If we turn our attentions to what is going on within our minds and see what the negative thoughts are doing to our bodies and our lives through its impact on our emotions, we would pull our pants up and consciously make a change in our way of thinking.
Money is not running our world, fear is.
How then do we right this Costa Concordia of lies we have told ourselves before we are all thrown into the sea of nothingness? We do so by looking at our valuation of ourselves and the world around us.
Actually the value we put on ourselves will be in direct alignment of the value we put on the world.
For example, digging up the planet to make an automobile, so we can drive it using fuel that pollutes the air that we breathe show a total lack of care for ourselves.
We keep thinking that it is someone else's problem.
When we are the ones taking drugs made from petroleum-based products with the hope that we are able to heal the disorder that comes from our unhealthy, fearful existence.
Enlightenment is to know the truth.
The Buddhists say it is to know truth so we can take ourselves off the cycle of reincarnation.
Reincarnation is to live through many lives.
What if we can live many lifetimes in one life.
What if the cycle of reincarnation gets broken when we learn how to value ourselves as eternal beings.
Recognizing that we exist before and after this stage of limitation would mean that the valuation we put on things no longer holds sway.
We cannot be cheated.
We cannot be bankrupt.
We are incapable of being without sustenance or shelter.
This is enlightenment.
We, each of us are solely responsible for our own enlightenment.
Recognizing this, we will then be able to value ourselves with the same fervour as we do money.
The transformation of lack of poverty, high self-esteem, and global peace will be organic instead of forced.