Psychology For Determining The Perfect Headboards For Beds
Studies have shown that mood and sleep patterns can be strongly influenced by that piece of furniture over our heads at night. With the wrong design one can feel anxious, disturbed, and even violent without ever knowing why. For instance, if you put in creative person into what feels like a hard, cold box their subconscious will strike out during sleep preventing a rejuvenating period where free-flow of thought generates new ideas.
Many headboards on the market today are padded with a metal or wood structure beneath. This is an important consideration for those who enjoy reading or watching television in bed. Although they may fill this need, however, if they are the wrong design, disturbed sleep patterns and a poor mood will likely ensue. Many times, without knowing it, a person selects a headboard based on the career-path they've chosen as it is reflective of deep-seeded characteristics. For instance, someone who works in an office is often highly organized and structured whereas an artist is free-flowing and unconstrained. Each requires a different style of headboard in order to get the best rest possible.
For the organized person who works in a corporate environment the clean, minimalistic, straight lines of the contemporary style bring that sense of order into sleep. There structures should be made of metal, sleek, polished, dark woods, or a combination of the two. If padding is used it should be minimized without being a dominate feature just as including a lightly padded leather inset.
Those with a creative flare often find wave-like lines with soft, padded features more soothing during sleep. The lack of constraints and free-flow of the design actually maximizes their creativity while they sleep. Additionally, this style has a romantic edge for those who like the fact that dreams often whisk them away to a romantic isle.
When one walks into a bedroom and sees large, chunky, wood furnishings this is also reflective of particular personality traits. These people need to be tied to the past as it makes them feel grounded. They are also frequently romantics at heart and treasure all things old. Whether their preference is oak, ash, pine, cherry, mahogany, or something else, this choice brings them comfort and peace allowing for a restful night.
More times than not a parent will select a bedroom set for a child with a particular theme in mind. However, when children are allowed to select their own furnishings much can be learned about their inclinations and nature. Just as with adults, whether they gravitate toward the hard, straight lines of contemporary, the soft, flowing lines of the creative, or the chunky, solid wood of history, their selection says much about who they are.
Rather than beginning a bedroom remodel with paint and new linens, taking a moment to evaluate what makes a person who they are then selecting new furnishings that reflect those characteristics will result in a project one will enjoy coming home to. This means selecting headboards for beds with the shape, color, and materials that best suit individual personalities should be determined first.