Different Arts for Different People
While this contemporary art form has a huge following and is fast being accepted by many, one does not cease to wonder at why the large criticism also exists.
There are in fact many people, who will say that pop art is not art at all, and merely a low class replica.
There is no truth in this belief however.
What is true, is that different people respond differently to different forms of art.
While some connect positively to one form, others react to it negatively.
And this is what makes any form of art truly unique and communicative.
In this article we will discuss the diverse personalities of communities/ people and how they relate to the varied forms of art.
While our deductions may not be totally true, we can come close to understanding the different ways in which art is understood.
Culturally ethnic: The ethnic groups of people often have strong religious and cultural beliefs.
The art forms they believe and relate to are also thus very restricted.
People from such cultural groups have grown up seeing and liking certain forms of art, and hence their ideals would be shaped in a certain way.
They often would not relate to contemporary forms of art and may be critical of them.
Culturally extrovert: The culture or environment of a place often shapes the choices of people.
In extrovert communities, where people are welcome to change and new ideas, contemporary forms of art as introduced by Warhol, Lichtenstein are much accepted and welcomed too.
People in grief: Art is commonly used in art therapy for healing, and for a good reason.
People react positively to certain colours, and when shown pieces of art that are uplifting, they feel better too.
In many such sessions, the subjects are asked to discuss the aspects of the art form before them, a process that has helped many come out of their sadness.
Thinkers and Feelers: An important personality trait that can also be identified is whether people are thinkers or feelers.
Thinkers tend to use more of their minds and relate to the ideas in an art form.
Feelers, on the other hand relate more to the emotions and feelings behind a particular work of art.
Through their reactions, one can understand better as to what senses are more dominant.
Social standing and art perception: The social standing a person enjoys can also in many ways shape the kind of art people like.
For people who rank high on the economy ladder, prestigious pieces of art are equivalent to high priced original artworks that they may or may not relate to.
What matters more is that these pieces do good for their profile and look good on the huge walls of their large mansions.
People of other social classes, often take more interest in different forms of art and striking good deals on reprints rather than splurging at Christie's and Sotheby's.
It takes a wide variety of people to make the world we live.
None of them are right or wrong, good or bad, wise or foolish.
It is not the way that they are made, the difference lies in the way we perceive them.
The same holds true for art also.
If you open your eyes a little more, you will also be able to enjoy the beauty it holds in its variety, and depending on the kind of person you are, you will surely find your match in a unique beautiful form of art.