Faces from Beyond: An Interview with Orion Silverstar

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Q: I'm sure you've been accused by some people of faking these pictures by using Photoshop or similar computer software. What is your response to that?

There will always be skeptics out there or those that try to bring us down, maybe due to not being able to get the same results as us. Sad thing is, if instead of trying to attack us and our work, allow us to help them and show them how they to maybe able to have the same results.

Would you believe that most attacks come from those already in the field. If only we all worked together in the field of the paranormal, sharing new ideas, helping each other, and becoming more opened minded. This is my wish and dream.

Someone might have been in the field for 20 years and another one month. The person that has been in the field for one month, his experience of the paranormal maybe just as real as the person that has been in it for years. With the creation of Photoshop, I will agree it makes it harder for people to believe that a photo that may be very real is real. To me, this is sad as there are some very real photos out there, just as much as there are some very fake ones also. I assure you that all my photos are very real and those that fake photos give this field a bad name. When we work together in this field, only then will we move forward.

Q: Where do you think these faces come from? Are they ghosts? Beings from another dimension? Thought projections? Something else?

From what I know, which is not a belief but experience, some are those that have crossed over (souls) that were once in this physical world getting around in a physical body, experiencing a short-term physical experience here. The spirit world and another dimension are one and the same as there is more than one level (dimension) in the spirit realm.

There are also other beings that never were physical as we know it here. There are beings that are more powerful than us and are around us all the time, they are everywhere. There are also some beings that are more powerful than us, only due to the fact that this physical world can limit some of us and our abilities.

Q: Can anyone do this? How difficult is it?

I believe all are able to do this. It all comes down to commitment, focus, dedication, motivation. Those on the other side want more people to become aware of this wonderful way in which we can communicate. I have developed the ability of asking those around me that are invisible to the naked eye to show through many different ways. Others can achieve this also, there are those on the other side working towards bridging the gap between us and them. Just imagine if everyone around the world could talk to their departed loved ones in real time and see their face also. This is not a dream -- it can become a reality.

Q: I'm sure there are other researchers who have experimented with ITC, but have not gotten the high-quality results you have. What do you think is the reason or your secret of success?

Yes, there are a few more of us around the world and we keep in communication with each other as we all work towards the same goal. I know others in this field of work that have had just as good results as myself; in fact, some I look up to as an inspiration. There have been many pioneers before me that have done great work in the way of moving things forward and even today.

A lot of people do not realize how much time and effort we put into this work that we do. I have online friends around the world in the field of ITC that have had some amazing results, yet do not wish to make their work public... only to a few. I have been one of the lucky ones to see some of this wonderful and amazing work.

See a gallery of some of Orion's best pictures here.

Orion Silverstar is a Reverend of the Universal Life Church, Modesto, California. He is the founder of Silverstar Paranormal, which specializes in spirit entity communication through electronic devices, paranormal research, investigations, ghost hunting, helping and teaching others that are new in the field.
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