A Cunning Plan for How to Stick to Your Art Schedule
Getting into the habit of keeping to a schedule isn't easy.
Your well-planned schedule is posted to your computer's screen and a printed copy pasted into your Day Book.
You bought a timer or alarm clock and it squats like a toad on your studio desk.
You know that toad, sorry, that timer is the key to keeping you on track during your precious painting hours.
If you're like me, the biggest cause of slip-ups will be hitting the 'stop' button when your timer goes off but not stopping work to go to the next item on your schedule.
- 'I'll just finish this bit,' you think, 'it'll only take a few minutes.
' Half-an-hour later, you're still laying paint on the canvas, dinner will be half-an-hour late, so your family will have filled up on snacks and don't want it anyway.
Your brushes still have to be cleaned before you can have your shower and by the time you do fall into bed, you're too cranky and tired to welcome your partner's romantic advances. - Here's the good bit: humans are smart enough to recognise mistakes as good teachers.
The good teacher doesn't just tell us what to do but shows us how to learn why we made the mistake and encourages us to find a way to avoid repeating that mistake next time.
You'd like to know how I cured myself of that mistake? Sure you would, because you suspect you're going to make it, too.
This way, I trick myself into really noticing the passing of time.
When that hour bell rings, I stop -yeah, just like Pavlov's puppies - and reset the timer for another hour.
Then I take a good stretch, maybe take a few brisk turns around the desk or even step outside to admire the day.
Body and mind refreshed, I return to the easel, reassured that this day will not end in muddle and rush.
Keep interruptions to a minimum.
Family and friends come first.
They always have and always will.
Accept the fact you'll always drop everything when they need you.
However, love is not a one-way street.
Isn't there some song with that title? The poets always know us best, so I'm sure there is one.
- You may have to sing that song to yourself when friends drop in for a chat during your studio time, even though you asked everyone to call first.
A phone call before visiting is common courtesy in business life.
You are in your 'office' during studio hours, so it's only reasonable to expect that courtesy.
A who friend breaches that courtesy more than once is not concerned for your efforts to become a professional. - If you accept such breaches more than once, withouta reminder of the agreement, you can't complain when you're not treated as a professional.
A true friend wants you to succeed and won't stand in your way.