2 Forms Of Penis Enlargement To Stay Away From
The methods I'm talking about are surgery, pumps, and pills - and if you've ever tried to enlarge your penis using these methods then you know what I am talking about.
It can literally take you months before you see results of even a half inch with these methods.
And pumps do nothing but temporarily inflate your penis - doing it too much can cause harm on your penis.
If you really want to see fast and permanent results, stick to using penis enlargement exercises.
This is by far the best way to increase your penis size.
You can see results in as little as a few weeks and the results that you can achieve will astound you.
If you're wondering if all the alternative methods of increasing your penis size work, then this article is for you.
Inside of this article, you will learn about the alternative methods of penis enlargement, and why they aren't effective for increasing your penis size.
Here's the first method of penis enlargement that isn't effective for increasing your penis size.
1) Patches In general, patches are popular due to their usage with cigarette smoking.
People think that they can just put it on their arm and it will instantly stop the cravings.
So naturally it only followed that a similar product would be developed for the penis enlargement market.
If you're thinking that you can just put a patch on your arm and increase your penis size simply and easily - then think again.
Patches simply don't work.
Patches work alongside how pills work by helping to increase blood flow to the penis.
A lot of the patches that you see contain an ingredient called "Yohimbe" that can cause a wide variety of side effects to you.
You can start vomiting, have nausea, headaches, or even acquire a case of diarrhea.
The bottom line is that patches claim to work but all it does is dilute you of your money.
Here's another technique to avoid.
2) Weight hanging This form of penis enlargement is older but believe it or not some people still use it today.
If you're thinking what I'm thinking in the fact that this is obviously dangerous, then you are right.
You should never try this technique due to the harms that it can cause to your penis.
Along side this is the method of lifting weights to try and get a bigger penis.
If you've been doing squats and lunges to increase your penis size, then you should know that they don't work either.
The only way to increase your penis size is by stretching it and lengthening it naturally - and this way is with penis enlargement exercises.
If you want to see gains and see it fast, then stay away from these methods.
You will lose a lot of money in the process and will waste a lot of time also.
Be sure to keep this in mind as you try to enlarge your penis.