An MLM Prelaunch is Not For Newbies in Network Marketing
That method which is more like a marketing trick can give many advantages to the company and free advertising.
In essence it is a short time period in which new members can lock their position in the matrix without paying any sign up fees or other expenses.
During that period distributors may also recruit new members and build their networks.
After that period passes, those joined have the chance to upgrade themselves by signing for some autoship plan or paying some other fee.
Usually, during a prelaunch phase the company experiences a period of rapid growth as there are many that take advantage of the opportunity to enroll new members that don't have to pay any money.
But whether those signed up would choose to upgrade and become active members is another question.
Other than a marketing tactic it is a method that doesn't offer much to the average distributor that doesn't know how to advertise and promote his opportunity.
It is a system more suitable to experienced marketers that know how to attract new members or already have a big list of followers that would join them in their new endeavor.
If you are a newbie to multilevel marketing it is best for you to stay away from an MLM pre-launch as it has nothing to offer to you.
What you would need most is training in the beginning and network marketing training is something that those brand new companies are not offering for sure.
Unless you join under someone that you know and trust and he can provide that training to you is not advisable to join an opportunity at this stage.
Another negative is that the majority of new MLM opportunities never make it for more than a few months.
After that time frame only a few survive and only a handful of them can pass the 2 year time frame.
As you understand the chances are such small for a brand new company to succeed that unless you know what's going on at this industry and you have inside information in the company and its founders and senior management staff you can never tell if your efforts would bring fruit in the future or would go wasted.
As you understand under that circumstances if you are new to network marketing by getting involved in a prelaunch it is most certain that a few months down the road you would find yourself failed when the MLM company goes bankrupt.
And you would have put time, money, and effort into something in vain.
Resources that if were spent into a solid, well established, and reputable company would have brought you into a position to earn money from your business.
There are many people that waste their time and money following prelaunch after prelaunch with nothing to show off.
They always think that this time somehow everything is different and will manage to succeed because that new company is destined to grow big.
And they always have a ready excuse, "this is a product that everyone wants", "the founders have a history in the industry and know what they are doing" etc.
But they always get it wrong again.
Of course if you do know what you are doing and position yourself at the right place at the right time that could mean a lot of money to you.
But the risk you are taking is huge and you can never be sure if it will work or not.
You may be joining opportunity after opportunity without ever succeeding.
That is why my advise would be to anyone to leave the prelaunches aside and join a company that operates for years in the market and is offering a good training program and other support.
There are so many good MLM companies out there for someone to choose from that it doesn't worth the trouble and the risk to go after a pre-launch.
If you take your business seriously and work hard and methodically in a few years you can make enough money to quit your job if you join an established company.
So why to bother with an untested one.
One the other hand if you like the thrill and excitement that comes with a brand new opportunity and you can't stay away from them the only thing that can save you is detailed information about everything regarding the new company.
That's the only way to separate the real ones from those that are here to only take your money, or those that don't stand a chance to succeed.
If you can't find detailed information or you are uncertain about the credibility of your sources your last chance would be to find someone that you know and trust and you can see that he knows what he is doing and join under him.