How to Shorten the Distance Between You and God
Your hopes and dreams just don't materialize on your schedule.
People don't treat you the way you think you deserve to be treated.
Funds are getting low; you just got fired; someone you love died; cancer just showed up.
Life just isn't happening according to your preferences.
These are the times when my head wonders if the Father is on vacation at some distant corner of the Universe, even though my heart tells me he's right here.
But maybe I have good reason to question God's presence.
Perhaps it was different for you, but I grew up learning prayers such as: "Our Father, which art in Heaven...
" That formal prayer transitioned sometimes into, "Oh Lord, please come down and help us.
" Or, "Come Holy Spirit, we're waiting for you to bless us with your presence.
" In prayer, praise, and worship we sometimes lift our hands and faces to the sky, or ceiling, which suggests that God is "up there" somewhere.
Some of the more dramatic saints may warn, "You better be careful - God is up there watching everything you do, and you don't want him to come down here and deal with you!" It amazes me how creative every world religions is (including Christianity) when it comes to trying to get God's attention.
The point is that many of us have adopted the notion that Jesus is somewhere other than where we are.
Mostly, the concept is that he's seated up there on his mighty throne, perpetually scanning his followers down here on earth.
No wonder we feel alone sometimes, or even abandoned by God.
Thankfully, the Trinity's presence is not dependent on our feelings, thoughts, or behavior! Not only is he where we are, we are also where he is.
That thought makes me feel warm all over! However, the notion that I have to figure out how to attract God's me-ward focus makes me tired even before I start trying.
Okay, I admit it - my Title's implication is a lie.
It is utterly impossible to shorten the distance between you and God, because...
THERE IS NO DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND GOD! Most of us are familiar with, "I will never leave you or forsake you.
" And, "I am with you always.
" But how about, "...
your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Col 3:3b).
Or my favorite, "He also raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:6).
Notice that neither of those last two verses are in the future tense.
The first is present tense, and the second is past tense.
I am ALREADY seated with Christ in heaven, and so are you! Oops, God went and did it again! He somehow snuck out of that itty-bitty box we work so hard to keep him in.
Your Abba (Papa/Daddy) is closer than your next heartbeat, and he will never, never, never move out of your space.
So remember, Jesus is where you are, and you are where he is.
Right now.
People don't treat you the way you think you deserve to be treated.
Funds are getting low; you just got fired; someone you love died; cancer just showed up.
Life just isn't happening according to your preferences.
These are the times when my head wonders if the Father is on vacation at some distant corner of the Universe, even though my heart tells me he's right here.
But maybe I have good reason to question God's presence.
Perhaps it was different for you, but I grew up learning prayers such as: "Our Father, which art in Heaven...
" That formal prayer transitioned sometimes into, "Oh Lord, please come down and help us.
" Or, "Come Holy Spirit, we're waiting for you to bless us with your presence.
" In prayer, praise, and worship we sometimes lift our hands and faces to the sky, or ceiling, which suggests that God is "up there" somewhere.
Some of the more dramatic saints may warn, "You better be careful - God is up there watching everything you do, and you don't want him to come down here and deal with you!" It amazes me how creative every world religions is (including Christianity) when it comes to trying to get God's attention.
The point is that many of us have adopted the notion that Jesus is somewhere other than where we are.
Mostly, the concept is that he's seated up there on his mighty throne, perpetually scanning his followers down here on earth.
No wonder we feel alone sometimes, or even abandoned by God.
Thankfully, the Trinity's presence is not dependent on our feelings, thoughts, or behavior! Not only is he where we are, we are also where he is.
That thought makes me feel warm all over! However, the notion that I have to figure out how to attract God's me-ward focus makes me tired even before I start trying.
Okay, I admit it - my Title's implication is a lie.
It is utterly impossible to shorten the distance between you and God, because...
THERE IS NO DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND GOD! Most of us are familiar with, "I will never leave you or forsake you.
" And, "I am with you always.
" But how about, "...
your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Col 3:3b).
Or my favorite, "He also raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:6).
Notice that neither of those last two verses are in the future tense.
The first is present tense, and the second is past tense.
I am ALREADY seated with Christ in heaven, and so are you! Oops, God went and did it again! He somehow snuck out of that itty-bitty box we work so hard to keep him in.
Your Abba (Papa/Daddy) is closer than your next heartbeat, and he will never, never, never move out of your space.
So remember, Jesus is where you are, and you are where he is.
Right now.