What Will You Do Otherwise?

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Network Marketing/Multi-Level Marketing has created more millionaires than any other industry in the world. It does not care if you have a college degree, it does not care what color you are, it does not care if you are male, female or other, it does not care how old you are or how young you are. If you are willing to do the work, put in the time and commit to the process, it will pay you, and in a lot of cases, pay your very well.

Network Marketing (MLM) is the most secure and effective way for the average person to become engaged in a process that can lead to their becoming a successful entrepreneur. The success rate for a Network Marketing (MLM) business is better that the success rate for the average traditional small business. The money can come faster and in larger amounts.

Again, this process does not require a college degree, or even a super smart individual, although both attributes will help you succeed faster. It does require a serious individual with a great desire and commitment to make a change in his or her life. This Network Marketing process will enable them to develop their people skills, their communication skills and their business skills to the point that they will make an ultimate change in their lives, financially, personally and emotionally. In addition it will enable them to earn some extra money, completely replace their current income or in many cases control their financial destiny. There is no salary cap or glass ceiling like in a traditional career or a small business where you can only work so many hours and therefore you can only earn so much money.

Network Marketing will indeed provide the greatest possibility of creating wealth. Think about it, would you rather have 100% of what you can make in a month or 10% of what 100 people make in a month? The answer is clear. Working as a team will generate much more money for you and free up more time for you to spend with your family and friends doing what you want to do. Best of all you will get paid even when you are not working. If you get sick or if you want to take a vacation, your time is not limited by the number of days you have. Your money will not stop like in a traditional small business.

We are living in a global economy now. Stop and think a moment, do you know someone whos' job has been outsourced? With mergers and acquisition, the 40-40-40 plan just does not work any more. The plan where you work 40 hours a week for 40 years doing the same thing for the same company and then retire making 40% of what you made before your retirement, which if the truth be told, was not enough when you were working. As grim as that sounds, the 40-40-40 rule is no longer an option. People stay in a job for about 5 years not. Then they move on to another position or the company moves them on. Before the end of the decade, it is estimated the 67% of the people working will also be working a part-time job with no health benefits just to make ends meet.

Network Marketing, MLM is here to stay. Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump have written a book. Robert Kiyosaki believes in the Network Marketing/MLM industry for the same reasons I just stated, so does Les Brown. Harvard University, along with other prestigious schools, is teaching Network Marketing/Multi-Level Marketing. It is an interactive way to distribute products and services and it is gaining more and more popularity and acceptance everyday.

The average person today who works will have to eventually work 3 full time jobs just to earn one paycheck. Currently most workers already work two positions to earn one check. Network Marketing is a way to earn more money while gaining more time to spend doing the things you enjoy the most with the people you enjoy the most. Life is too short to do other wise.
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