When to Water Plants
- Plants have different watering needs. Some plants, like succulents, need very little water. Others prefer constantly wet soil. Most plants though, prefer the soil to dry out a bit before being watered again. Read about your plants irrigation needs in a garden reference book or on a cooperative extension website to help you determine how often to water your plants. In general, water most plants about once a week from spring until fall after the soil dries out to a depth of about 2 inches. During the hot summer, two times a week may be necessary, especially during droughts.
- Water outdoor plants in the morning hours. During the morning, the air is cooler which reduces evaporation and the plants have the whole day ahead of them for the leaves to dry out before nightfall. Leaves that are wet for long periods of time can lead to fungal diseases. You can also water plants in the late afternoon, provided there is enough time for the plants to dry out before night; however, more water will be lost to evaporation when watered at this time.
- Water plants deeply. Watering plants with approximately 1 inch of water will penetrate the soil about 12 inches, depending on the soil type. It's better to water plants deeply and less often -- about once a week -- than to water them frequently with just a little bit of water. Watering shallowly and frequently only encourages shallow root systems that must be watered all the time to thrive. Watering deeply will help the plants develop strong and deep root systems and saves a lot of water in the process.
- When to water container plants is slightly different than garden plants. In general, container plants tend to dry out more quickly than garden plants, especially if they are in the sun and the pots are porous, such as those made from clay. Container plant must have good drainage. If your container does not have drainage, place a layer of rocks or stones at the bottom of the pot. In general, water container plants when the soil dries out to 1 to 2 inches deep. Don't water just to water them; check the soil first. Plants need more waterings at different stages, such as when they are actively growing, producing fruit or have been recently propagated.