Does Marijuana cause Gynecomastia
However, there are other things that do. Obesity is one common culprit for this condition as well as puberty and hormonal changes in the body. Steroid use is another main cause for this condition. After you stop using steroids your body takes awhile to start producing testosterone again. This lack in the hormone can lead to the development of "man boobs". While marijuana and Gynecomastia may be linked; steroids and this condition definitely are.
No matter what the cause, many men are asking how they can flatten man boobs. This condition is not fatal to anything but a man's self-esteem, ego, and appearance, but that is more than enough to ruin your life. No one wants the embarrassing Gynecomastia condition. It is something that is very hard to deal with and often lasts for quite sometime if not the rest of your life. For those of you who are already suffering, there are natural supplements that you can use to flatten man boobs. Because they are natural there are no side effects to even consider. They are also a lot less painful than considering surgery to correct the condition.
Does marijuana cause Gynecomastia? Possibly, but there are other things that do including some genetic disorders, but most are caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. These hormonal imbalances can be influenced by drugs as well. You can flatten man boobs with supplements and sometimes diets that will naturally level out the imbalance. These options are much better than surgery which will not only be painful, but costly as well. There are also some exercises that you can do; these may be quite simple and can help target the chest area.