How Article Marketing Can Help With Your Online MLM Recruiting
It should be one leg of your marketing plan, but for purposes of being a "presence" on the internet, it can't be beat! Probably the most important factor, if you're considering this marketing approach is to be consistent.
An article once in awhile maybe once a week or so just isn't going to get you anywhere.
You need to do one a day for say thirty days, and at that point the search engines will start to notice.
What this all means, is free traffic because they will start to give you high placement in the organic (free) search results.
The reason being, you are becoming an authority in the search engines' eyes.
Article marketing is extremely relevant to Attraction Marketing only if you are publishing articles which have information that is useful and relevant to the people you need to reach.
This is how you can become the authority which people will trust for help and advice.
Another thing to consider is to have a location on the internet where you can become accessible.
Having your own domain is vital! Using your MLM company's cookie cutter website just won't do.
Registering a domain name and branding yourself shows professionalism.
This is where you can send your potential recruits, or information seekers if you will, to get more information.
You do this by inserting links into the article, or the bio box, which direct your prospect to your base.
These links are known as backlinks.
Backlinks are like the quarters in a video game.
The search engines use these to measure the "authority" and relevance of your site.
The more the better! If the search engines see a slow consistent build up of backlinks, you will start to be regarded as an authority in whatever field you are in.
MLM recruiting using Attraction Marketing techniques through article marketing is not going to get your marketing done overnight.
It should be one leg of your marketing plan, but for purposes of being a "presence" on the internet, it can't be beat! I know this technique isn't for everybody.
But even in a limited capacity, this can supply a presence on the internet which can make you become the authority.
People naturally gravitate towards people who they know, like and trust.
This technique can become a strong pillar in any marketing plan!