Insulating Your Roof And Attic By Installing Reflective Insulation
To reduce the transfer of heat between your home and the outside, the best area to insulate is your roof and attic as majority of the energy transfer will take place through there. Reflective insulation reduces the temperature difference between the home and its surrounding hence reducing the transfer of energy. Hot air naturally rises and meets cooler air and to maintain a comfortable temperature within the home we either use a heating or cooling system.
We waste the most energy in keeping our homes at a temperature that we like all year round. By insulating the house we will require less energy to maintain a suitable temperature by using less of our heaters or air conditioning units.
Reflective insulation is an environmentally friendly method of thermal insulation. Correctly installed insulation reduces air gaps and seals the building better further reducing the amount of energy that is normally wasted in the home due to bad insulation. This in turn reduces the amount of electrical power we use thus reducing our bills.
There are various types of reflective insulation that are available through different retailers. You may insulate your roof and attic yourself but it is always better to have the professionals do it. They will conduct a thorough check of the roof, for example for damp areas that may give rise to problems with the insulation in the future.