Creams For Skin Spots That Heal and Rejuvenate
No matter what your age, if you are seeing unwanted brown spots when you look in the mirror, there are some wonderful creams for skin spots available to you.
As a matter of fact, there are so many of them, that it can be extremely confusing.
How can you determine which ones will be beneficial to your skin and which ones might damage it? Yes, you heard me right; there are many creams and lotions on the market that can damage.
Ingredients such as mineral oil and various forms of alcohol will damage your skin in the long run.
They are used because they are inexpensive and seem to provide short term benefit.
Mineral oil has a softening effect, helping it feel smooth.
However, mineral oil is a byproduct of the petroleum industry that clogs the pores and traps grime and bacteria.
This type of ingredient really has no place in creams for skin spots if you are serious about supporting healthy tissue.
Alcohol has a drying effect on the skin as it strips away the natural acid mantle that is designed to protect the skin.
The long term effect is that it speeds up the aging process, leading to premature wrinkles.
Also, avoid bleaches that contain harsh chemicals.
They may fade spots, but at what cost? The guideline I use is to only put natural substances on the skin...
that is those that could be eaten without any negative affects.
Instead look for creams for skin spots that contain natural moisturizers that lighten the skin such as avocado oil.
Avocado oil builds health back into the skin by supplying it with nutrients that are essential for firm, radiant skin.
Also look for substances found in nature that have been proven to be fade spots in the skin.
Skin cream ingredients such as Extrapone nutgrass root have been proven scientifically to inhibit the formation of melanin, the skin pigment that forms into brown spots in the skin.
Tests on Extrapone nutgrass root show that it decreases melanin formation by 40%, causing brown spots and freckles to diminish.
These are the types of ingredients that will cause creams for skin spots to be effective at building healthy tissue while fading spots on your skin.
In the long run, your skin will look better and feel healthier.
As a matter of fact, there are so many of them, that it can be extremely confusing.
How can you determine which ones will be beneficial to your skin and which ones might damage it? Yes, you heard me right; there are many creams and lotions on the market that can damage.
Ingredients such as mineral oil and various forms of alcohol will damage your skin in the long run.
They are used because they are inexpensive and seem to provide short term benefit.
Mineral oil has a softening effect, helping it feel smooth.
However, mineral oil is a byproduct of the petroleum industry that clogs the pores and traps grime and bacteria.
This type of ingredient really has no place in creams for skin spots if you are serious about supporting healthy tissue.
Alcohol has a drying effect on the skin as it strips away the natural acid mantle that is designed to protect the skin.
The long term effect is that it speeds up the aging process, leading to premature wrinkles.
Also, avoid bleaches that contain harsh chemicals.
They may fade spots, but at what cost? The guideline I use is to only put natural substances on the skin...
that is those that could be eaten without any negative affects.
Instead look for creams for skin spots that contain natural moisturizers that lighten the skin such as avocado oil.
Avocado oil builds health back into the skin by supplying it with nutrients that are essential for firm, radiant skin.
Also look for substances found in nature that have been proven to be fade spots in the skin.
Skin cream ingredients such as Extrapone nutgrass root have been proven scientifically to inhibit the formation of melanin, the skin pigment that forms into brown spots in the skin.
Tests on Extrapone nutgrass root show that it decreases melanin formation by 40%, causing brown spots and freckles to diminish.
These are the types of ingredients that will cause creams for skin spots to be effective at building healthy tissue while fading spots on your skin.
In the long run, your skin will look better and feel healthier.