How to Get a Black Light Saber
- 1). Play through the game until you get to the Death Star. Make your way through the level, following the linear path and defeating the enemies, until you reach the Death Star Convergence Chamber. This is the room with dozens of laser shafts firing off, just before you get to the final showdown with Darth Vader and the Emperor.
- 2). Jump to the bottom of the area and fight the two AT-STs. Part of your mission is to activate the gravity lifts, which is convenient because you need to do this in order to get to the Black Lightsaber crystal. Use Force Grip on the glowing device to activate them. Ride one of the lifts to the top of the room.
- 3). Walk around the outer edge of the top level of the gravity lift and look for a holocron in the distance. The holocron is on a laser shaft between the two lifts. Look off to the side from the holocron to find a support beam that runs across the room. It is very narrow.
- 4). Move as close as you can to the edge of the gravity lift and double-jump toward the support beam. You will also have to Force Dash to close the distance and land on the beam. The timing here may take some practice. Walk along the beam, taking care not to fall off, and collect the holocron to get the Black Lightsaber Crystal. Pause the game, choose "Lightsaber" from the list of options, and select the "Black Crystal" to turn your blade black.