List of Foods for a Soft Diet
- According to, starchy foods allowed on a soft diet include oatmeal, rice, barley, cooked pasta and tortillas. Breads such as French, Vienna, Italian, white, refined whole wheat, and seedless rye sliced bread are also allowed.
- Fruits and vegetables allowed on a soft diet include well-cooked or canned fruits and vegetables. Baked or broiled sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and au gratin potatoes are also soft enough to digest.
- Most dairy products are mild enough for consumption. Milk, drinks made from milk, cream cheese, mild cheeses and cottage cheese are suitable.
- Protein sources allowed on a soft diet include tofu, stewed or broiled lean beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, liver, ham, tuna, and salmon. People can also eat smooth peanut butter with no identifiable hard parts.
- Sweets or desserts, such as custard, gelatin, plain fudge, and marshmallows are allowed. Hard candy, such as lollipops, caramel, or peppermint, is allowed if the person sucks on the candy. Do not chew the candy.