Treating Male Yeast Infections - Natural Remedies For Yeast Infections
Vinegar Bath. Before you take a shower, fill up your bath tub, pour in a cup of vinegar and soak in for 15 minutes. Vinegar has the property to kill fungus and bacterial infections that cause skin rashes.
There are different ways of treating yeast infections - be it antifungal creams and synthetic tablets or by natural remedies at home. And any cure for a yeast infection will surely work especially if it fits for the type of infection and you aid it with strong immune system, knowing that the immune system is the number one combatant of pathogenic organisms.
Water: It has been often said by expert that you should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to remain healthy as you can be, but in the case of yeast infections drinking more water is often the best way to get rid of this infection, because when you take in more water you will have to urinate more. And this will help to flush out bad bacterias from your body system.
Take an apple cider vinegar bath: add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in the water and stay in the bathtub for a couple of minutes. Allow it to reach the genital area. You can also drink it to prevent the yeast from getting worse.
Tea Tree Oil. This is also another natural way of treating Yeast Infection. Soak a tampon with Olive Oil then add a few drops of Tea Tree Oil to the tip of the tampon then insert. Underwear can also be washed in Tea Tree Oil as well.
Acidophilus comes in caplets that can be dissolved in water, under the tongue, swallowed or used internally in the vagina. You can purchase acidophilus at your local drugstore or health food store. Purchase acidophilus that contains 1 to 2 billion CFU, which stands for "Colony Forming Unit." Take two caplets a day with a full glass of water, then place two caplets internally into your vagina with your fingers. The caplet will dissolve and the cultures present in the acidophilus will fight the yeast forming in the vagina.