It"s a Simple Question of Logic

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Historically, the second amendment was meant to protect the citizens from the government gaining too much power.
The right to keep and bear arms was foundational to the creation of security in this nation.
Historically, every government that has ever denied their citizens the right to keep and bear arms has turned quickly into a one-party rule dominion over that nation.
The citizens of this new nation realized that governments under the control of either a monarchy or a one party rule could become power hungry, and the only way to maintain power would be to deny the citizens their right to protect themselves.
Logically, there is no reason to put law abiding citizens through all the red tape to satisfy the anti-gun lobbys.
A law abiding citizen is not going to use a gun to kill, rob, or threaten anyone that is not attempting to kill, rob or threaten them.
A criminal however, has already crossed the mental bridge separating right from wrong in his intent.
It is no stretch to say that the same criminal would seek to get his weapon illegally.
So the only persons affected by a gun control law are those who would already obey the law to begin with, and therefore should not need to abide by a law intended to deter criminals! Think about that, a law intended to deter criminals.
Is there anything more contradictory? i.
"That'll teach em, if they won't obey the laws, we'll make more of them!" Let's look at a few case studies, shall we? Washington D.
, has the strictest gun control laws on the books.
They banned all handguns more than 25 years ago to 'curb gun violence'.
Law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry handguns.
Washington D.
has one of the highest levels of gun crimes committed against it's law abiding citizens.
In fact, their gun crime problem has been labeled by their own police as a "crime emergency".
There are 46.
4 murders for every 100,000 people in Washington D.
but across the way in Arlington Virginia is another world.
You see, in Arlington, the citizens are allowed to own, carry, and flaunt their handguns.
And despite being only minutes away from D.
, the murder rate there is 2.
1 for every 100,000 people.
Now get this, the gun control crowd insists that D.
's gun control problem is Virginia's fault because it is so easy to get guns there.
The fact that the criminal has a clear choice of attacking unarmed people in D.
or potentially armed people in Arlington and they choose D.
and the unarmed people 23 times more often is just a coincidence.
Everyone has heard of Kennesaw Georgia, the small town that heard of another small towns' answer to gun crime by banning all guns.
Kennesaw however, saw it differently, they created a law in their town that made it mandatory for all citizens over 18 to carry or own a handgun.
After the passage of this law, crime in Kennesaw dropped 89%.
If anything changes by 89%, that's noticeable.
Was this a coincidence? If by simply doing one thing, I could drop my weight just 40%, I would do it.
But Kennesaw is not the only place that is benefiting from allowing citizens to exercise their constitutional rights, under Jeb Bush, Florida saw a substantial drop in crime rates with tougher sentencing and allowing concealed carry permits.
In fact, in every state that allows concealed carry permits, gun crime plummets, contrary to the anti-gun lobby claims that there will be Wild Wild West type justice in the streets.
It's a simple question of logic really.
The criminal doesn't care about how many laws he or she breaks as long as he or she gets what he wants, so another law here or there will not deter nor will it stop gun crime.
However if that criminal fears that by committing this crime he would be putting his life in danger because his intended victim is armed, THAT deters him.
As a matter of fact, every year there are approximately 250,000 crimes PREVENTED by the potential victim being armed and fighting back.
But liberalism has never been logical, the facts too clearly fight against liberalism working anywhere.
Liberalism is all run on feelings, emotions, and sadly too often wins the day in the all too human response to "do something" in response to tragedy, even if that something accomplishes nothing, or makes the matter worse, liberals feel better about themselves because there has been 'something' done.
There was a commercial perhaps 15 years ago, a political commercial of course, of a politician trying to decide on a 'hook' to get people's attention.
Many things were suggested, family values, taxes, kissing babies, the usual until one young aide perked up, "I know, gun control!", The politician smiled.
Cut to a scene of what is clearly supposed to be a criminal watching TV, and this same politician gets on air in front of screaming crowds saying, "and with this new gun control law, we will break the back of violent crime.
" and the 'criminal' just starts laughing, and laughing.
Gun Control is neither logical, nor is it effective.
Every citizen of this country should immediately take advantage of his or her right to keep and bear arms, because it won't be long that the ones in D.
begin coming for your guns, you know, because it is working so well there.
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