Police in Long Island Arrest Woman for DUI
In addition to the DUI, Herring also faces charges of driving without a license and driving with a suspended license. It appears that her license has been suspended a total of 10 times. It is questionable how accurate the 0.32 BAC reading could have been, however, given that such a blood alcohol content would normally result in unconsciousness and possibly death.
It is instances like Heidi Herrings that cause public outrage about DUI drivers and lead law enforcement, politicians, and the Long Island District Attorney to increase their efforts to crack down on drunk driving. Because the public is understandably outraged that a woman with 10 license suspensions would be on the road, yet again driving under the influence of alcohol, it means that anyone that police could even remotely suspect had been drinking is in danger of a DUI arrest. Curiously, Long Island residents always want to get tough on DUIs when it is someone on the news or in the paper who has been arrested. When it is a spouse, a co-worker, or even themselves, they are much more sympathetic about the circumstances that can lead to a false DUI arrest.
Because there are such varied circumstances, it is important that anyone who is arrested on Long Island for DUI contact an attorney as soon after the arrest as possible. Your Long Island DUI attorney knows the laws governing DUI in Long Island and will be able to determine if the arresting officer had a right to pull you over in the first place. In addition, depending upon the types of tests administered and when they were performed, there can be a great deal of argument as to how accurate the results were.
A DUI conviction can follow you for the rest of your life. Even if you know you were totally innocent, the prosecution has a whole team of lawyers, experts, investigators, and others at their disposal to prove your guilt, so you will need sufficient legal backing, as well, to uphold your rights and prove your innocence. Contact a Long Island DUI attorney with a proven track record to ensure you get a fair shake in court.